Cranial Sacral Therapy
Cranial Sacral work is an exceedingly gentle therapy which traditionally specializes in the head, spine and sacrum but is not limited to those areas. Much like Reiki, this type of work employs "listening" and responding to the subtle anatomy, in this instance the shifts in the cranial bones, fluctuations in the tides of the cerebral spinal fluid. Specific and sensitive finger pressure can have widespread and profound effects on the central nervous system, turning off the fight or flight impulse of the sympathetic nervous system to allow the parasympathetic to take over. In other words, all of the important bodily functions which are so hampered by stress are given an opportunity to do their good work.
To quote Hugh Milne:"A balanced sphenoid bone can correct not just a headache or a TMJ problem, but also an internally rotated foot."
By addressing the position of the cranial bones, relief can happen not just locally but bodily. We are an enclosed system where everything is interconnected. Cranial Sacral therapy can work wonders on specific issues, like headaches, but it also has the benefit of integrating the whole. As such, this type of treatment is effective on its own or incorporated into a somatic therapy session.
For more information about Cranial Sacral therapy, please contact Tara at [email protected]
To quote Hugh Milne:"A balanced sphenoid bone can correct not just a headache or a TMJ problem, but also an internally rotated foot."
By addressing the position of the cranial bones, relief can happen not just locally but bodily. We are an enclosed system where everything is interconnected. Cranial Sacral therapy can work wonders on specific issues, like headaches, but it also has the benefit of integrating the whole. As such, this type of treatment is effective on its own or incorporated into a somatic therapy session.
For more information about Cranial Sacral therapy, please contact Tara at [email protected]