To book your session or inquire about services, please fill out this questionnaire. You may also request information via: [email protected]
Same day appointments are not available.
Cancellation Policy
If you find it necessary to cancel or change your appointment, please provide 48 hours notice. Clients who cancel their appointment with less than 48 hour notice will be required to pay a cancellation fee equal to the amount of the session.
Please inform Tara if your cancellation is due to illness or emergency.
Please call if you are running late. If you arrive more than 2o minutes late you will be asked to pay the full session fee and reschedule your appointment.
Hours of Operation
Monday: 2:30 to 7:30 PM
Tuesday: 2:30 to 7:30 PM
Wednesday: 2:30 to 7:30 PM
Thursday: 4:30 to 8:00 PM
Friday: 2:30 to 7:30 PM
Table work sessions are available in the individual modality listed or any combination therein. In order to make sure all the techniques you may need are available to you, I bill by the hour not by type of service.
An Hour Appointment: $120.00
A Ninety Minute Appointment $180.00
Thai Yoga Massage: $150.00 (currently unavailable)
Private Yoga Class (1 hour) $85.00
Private Yoga Class (90 minutes) $140.00
Meditation Class (varies, contact me for details)